We’re the nexus to the next

Throughout history different locations or nodes on the worldwide trade network have served as a source and nexus for people to connect with the global marketplace. Our goal at Nexdrop is to be the nexus of the next commerce nexus.





Market Square

The original trade nexus having existed for an incomprehensible amount of time, market squares served as a location where both traveling merchants and local sellers set up storefronts in the center of towns. These squares were truly the heart of towns with a lively, social, and festive atmosphere and plenty of amenities such as food stalls, musicians, and more. People would flock to these markets where they could have an enjoyable experience even by just browsing without buying. The market square is the most natural and pure commerce nexus for humanity and the one which all others strive to emulate either intentionally or subconsciously. The closer a commerce nexus is to market squares, the better and more appealing it will be.





Strip Malls

The next major nexus of trade wouldn’t appear for eons until the invention of the automobile. After usage of cars became widespread, the expanding sizes of towns meant that most people did not have a market square within walking distance. This was especially true in the US. The solution was to create strip malls - a location with a large parking lot surrounded by a building shared by various merchants. Strip malls fulfilled their purpose as a next-gen trade nexus however something was missing. The energetic, social, and lively atmosphere that had been found in market squares was not present and although the experience of browsing could be fun when an interesting item was found, it was much more bland overall. The fact that this nexus also had a barrier to entry in that an often slow and bothersome drive was required to access it did not help its case or contribute to a social environment.





Shopping Malls

Luckily, strip malls didn’t remain the main nexus of trade for long. With new improvements in technology being made after WWII a new nexus was about to emerge - shopping malls. Malls took strip malls and brought them into a large indoor complex. Malls were a much more convenient evolution - they had many more merchants than strip malls and provided a more comfortable shopping experience under a roof away from the elements. Modern technologies such as climate control only made malls further attractive. But where malls took the next step was by having many amenities that provided additional reasons for people to visit besides just being able to buy items. Movie theaters, food courts, ice rinks, and even Santa visiting created a social shopping experience full of added attractions that were similar to the engaging experience of the market square.






As the internet exploded onto the scene in the 90s and early 21st century, the world’s main shopping nexus was about to change again. Online shopping was here, completely shifting the retail landscape. Suddenly, people could shop from the comfort of their homes. There were many shortcomings with this idea such as not being able to physically see, try, or use items before purchase, but it quickly became apparent that shoppers were content. Online shopping was so inherently appealing and convenient, especially thanks to the rise of fast shipping, that its many issues were tolerated even as they degraded the experience of shopping online. On top of its problems, ecommerce was also a step back from the engaging and social market square. Shopping online is often seen as a chore and hassle, instead of an enjoyable and interactive expedition into a sea of great products. Bland ways of presenting products, unpersonalized item lists, a lack of any major social aspect, and more are the prime reasons for this. During this era, no platform took the time to think of what the future online shopping experience could really become and how it could be more alike the lively market square experience.





Virtual Commerce

We believe a new nexus of commerce is fast approaching: virtual commerce or vcom. Vcom will keep the high convenience of online shopping while shifting the experience to match the market square. Vcom will take the in-person experience of commerce and present it in a virtual way that simulates the lively market square to a high degree while also providing the one notable innovation from the ecommerce era: fast and same-day shipping. In this way, vcom will bring lively, personalized, social, efficient, and entertaining experiences to the bland online shopping scene. New technologies of today and the future such as AI and VR/AR will enable this shift. Currently, we are seeing the overall market, especially younger generations, flock to online platforms in other industries that provide engaging and captivating content and experiences. Amidst this trend, the experience of shopping online is the exact same as it was 20+ years ago. Online shopping needs to evolve to become more lifelike or risk alienating both merchants and buyers. It must become a virtual market square.

At Nexdrop our mission is to be the first virtual commerce platform - a nexus that virtually simulates the lively market square experience. To this end, we will create a shopping experience that is unlike anything seen before in ecommerce and highly engaging, social, and personalized with industry-leading delivery speeds. On Nexdrop the journey of browsing and exploring for a product will be more exciting than the end result of making a purchase. After all, life is about the journey - not the destination.